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Transferring Your Animals


For a video tutorial of the new online transfer system, visit

As a seller of U.S. Registered Holsteins®, one of your responsibilities is to file a completed transfer application with Holstein Association USA for each animal sold. Your customers expect you to supply them with high quality genetics. With a Holstein Association USA registration certificate confirming the transfer, they can count on it.

Advantages to transferring your animals:

The animal's value to the new owner is increased by providing important management information.
A free updated registration certificate is sent to the new owner for transfers submitted online.
A free three-generation pedigree with each regular transfer provides the new owner with current
performance information.
Knowledge of the animal's lineage helps to manage inbreeding and genetic recessives.

All are important tools to maximize your profits and the buyer's satisfaction. Filing a transfer is easy - simply fill out a paper transfer application, file a transfer online or call Customer Service at 800.952.5200.

Transfer Fees


  Within 30 days of sale
  Within 31-60 days of sale
  Over 60 days
  "No Sale" Family Transfer
  Rush Transfer Service Fee
  Phone-In Transfer Service Fee
  Transfer of Embryos*
  *One transfer will cover all embryos from one recovery going to the
    same buyer on the same date.


If all the animals in an ownership are being transferred to another single ownership, the fees will be lesser of the regular transfer fee, or the following fees.

First 200 animals
$100 + $2.00/animal
$1.50/ animal
Animals 3,001+
No Charge

With the above fees, the certificates of registration are NOT updated with new owners' names (though it is reflected in the database and correct ownership would be printed on any subsequent certificates, pedigrees, or other performance products issued). The fee to update certificates of registration is an additional $1.00 per animal.

If anything less than the whole herd is being transferred to one buyer at one time, the fees will be the lesser of the regular transfer fee or the following:
  Family $100 + $1.50 per animal
  Non-Family $100 + $4.00 per animal
  Printed updated certificates $1.00 per animal