GMACEdate.USA field type format length first last example US registration number Char 16 16 1 16 if known CNTM123456789012 Stud code Char 10 10 17 26 if known 123HO12345 Reliability of official proof Int 2 2 27 28 US information only reliability Int 2 2 29 30 final score number of daughters Int 5 5 31 35 final score number of herds Int 5 5 36 40 Final score (PTAT) Real 5.2 5 41 45 linear scores reliability Int 2 2 46 47 0 linear scores number of daughters Int 5 5 48 52 0 linear score number of herds Int 5 5 53 57 0 linear score effective daughters Real 4.1 4 58 61 0 reliability rear leg rear view Int 2 2 62 63 "blank" reliability feet and leg score Int 2 2 64 65 "blank" reliability rear teat placement Int 2 2 66 67 "blank" STA stature Real 5.2 5 68 72 STA Strength Real 5.2 5 73 77 STA Body Depth Real 5.2 5 78 82 STA Dairy Form Real 5.2 5 83 87 STA Rump Angle Real 5.2 5 88 92 STA Rump Width Real 5.2 5 93 97 STA Rear Legs Side View Real 5.2 5 98 102 STA Rear Legs Rear View Real 5.2 5 103 107 STA Foot Angle Real 5.2 5 108 112 STA Feet & Leg Score Real 5.2 5 113 117 STA Fore Udder Attachment Real 5.2 5 118 122 STA Rear Udder Height Real 5.2 5 123 127 STA Rear Udder Width Real 5.2 5 128 132 STA Udder Cleft Real 5.2 5 133 137 STA Udder Depth Real 5.2 5 138 142 STA Front Teat Placement Real 5.2 5 143 147 STA Rear Teat Placement Real 5.2 5 148 152 STA Teat Length Real 5.2 5 153 157 Udder Composite Real 5.2 5 158 162 Feet and Leg Composite Real 5.2 5 163 167 Body Size Composite Real 5.2 5 168 172 Dairy Capacity Composite Real 5.2 5 173 177 Percent US daughters in proof Int 3 3 178 180 0 - 100 Country of Ownership Char 3 3 181 183 CNT Number of countries with proofs Int 2 2 184 185 Designation of proof origin Char 1 1 186 186 M D or M International id Char 16 16 187 202 840M003008710387 Percent Registered Holstein Ancestry Char 5 5 203 207 if known "100NA, 100I" Name Char 30 30 208 237 International Sire ID Char 19 19 238 256 HOLUSAM000069207641 International Sire ID Char 19 19 257 275 HOL840F003007069733 Date of Birth Char 8 8 276 283 YYYYMMDD