Holstein Association USA is the world's largest dairy breed organization, composed of members who have an interest in breeding, raising and milking Holstein cattle. Headquartered in Brattleboro, Vermont, the Association is a nonprofit membership organization that offers programs and services to the dairy industry.
Becoming a member is as easy as completing an application. Holstein Association USA memberships are available on an annual basis. State association memberships are available for most states, and can be obtained by contacting your state association secretary.
To become a member, download and complete the application from this Web site, or contact Customer Service at 800.952.5200. |
Milking Registered Holsteins® means you have income opportunities beyond your milk check. Registered and identified cattle consistently bring higher prices when sold for dairy purposes than grade cattle. Furthermore, Registered Holsteins produce more milk, protein and butterfat than any other breed or combination of breeds. |
Holstein Association USA members are some of the most forward-thinking, resourceful dairy producers in the country. Being a member of the Association provides opportunities to share ideas with this group. Meet new people with similar goals — running a profitable dairy operation. |
Local and State: Get to know breeders and other industry professionals in your area at barn meetings,
picnics, sales and club meetings.
Regional: Each winter, Holstein Association USA holds a Member Update Meeting to discuss Association
affairs with members.
National: National Holstein Convention is held each summer in a different state, and hundreds of breeders
from around the country attend. The host state plans activities and tours to showcase their state and cattle. |
On a dairy, it's important to spend every dollar wisely. Being a member of the Association ensures you are getting the best rates possible, while adding value to your cattle. |
Discounts on registrations: Holstein Association members pay reduced fees on all animals they register. Producers can save $20 for each calf registered as members of their state and national associations over
non-member rates.
Dues: Only $40 per year covers your annual Holstein Association USA membership dues. |
Holstein Association USA is available to answer questions about Holstein cattle and our products and services. |
Customer Service is available to provide assistance from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time),
Monday through Friday.
Regional Sales Representatives are located throughout the country to meet with you personally and provide
one-on-one assistance.
www.holsteinusa.com is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to look up information on your cattle, view and manage Holstein account information, and find extensive information on all our programs. |
In the Dairy Industry: As the largest dairy producer organization in the country, Holstein Association USA is a voice for dairy producers across the nation. We work with all facets of the industry on behalf of our members, on issues such as milk marketing, national animal identification and animal health issues. Through our genetic programs and research, the Association is an integral part of an industry that is important to all dairy producers, not just those with Registered Holsteins.
In Association Affairs: Holstein Association USA members guide the direction and policies of the organization. Members have the opportunity to serve on committees, vote, act as delegates to the National Holstein Convention, and may become officers or members of the board of directors. |
The National Junior Holstein Association is a dynamic organization for youth under the age of 21, with over 8,000 members in 48 states. Junior members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, all aimed at helping youth increase their knowledge of the dairy industry, strengthen self-confidence and build leadership skills, preparing them for the future. Click here to learn more about the National Junior Holstein Association or download a membership application. |
Holstein Association USA members have several opportunities to be active in the organization. Here are a few ways that new members can become involved: |
Volunteer: Both the state and national associations can always use extra help. From mentoring youth to
helping with shows, volunteer work can be a great way to get a "foot in the door." Contact Kelli Dunklee
(ext. 4124) for ways you can become involved as a volunteer.
Serve on a Committee: The Association has several committees that can vary from year to year, but
currently we have Audit, Genetic Advancement, International, Junior Advisory, Legislative Affairs, National ID, Nominating, Show and Type committees.
Run to be a Delegate: As an adult member, you have a voice in Association affairs. Each state elects delegates to represent their members at the National Convention, and any Holstein Association USA member is eligible to serve, if elected. |