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  • Why Register?
  • Registration Options
  • Identification Method Options
  • Fees
Why Register?

Plain and simple, properly identified Holstein cattle are worth more money than non-identified animals. Today the Holstein breed dominates the U.S. dairy industry due to superior production, greater income over feed costs, unequaled genetic merit and its adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions.

All Holsteins Are Eligible To Be Registered
Holstein Association USA has a single, fully disclosed herdbook. Each animal in the herdbook has a calculated, recorded and reported percentage "Registered Holstein Ancestry" or "RHA." This percentage is calculated by averaging the % RHA of the parents and then rounding down to the nearest whole number.

The herdbook has the following categories
of Registered Holstein Ancestry:
100% RHA-NA:
The "NA" stands for North American. These are animals whose entire ancestry can be traced to the origin of the U.S. or Canadian herdbook.
100% RHA-I:
The "I" stands for International. These are animals whose entire ancestry can be traced to the origin of an approved foreign herdbook, or whose ancestry contains a combination of North American and foreign lineage.
0-99% RHA-NA:
These are animals of entirely North American lineage whose entire ancestry cannot be traced to the origin of the U.S. or Canadian herdbook.
0-99% RHA-I:
These are animals of entirely or partly foreign lineage whose entire ancestry cannot be traced to the origin of the respective herdbook(s).



Click here to read an article by
Dr. Tom Lawlor on the
Value of Registered Cattle

(opens in a new window)




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Programs Affected by %RHA

Classification: A herd owner can select a base level of percentage RHA for animals to be included in a herd classification. All animals with equal or greater percentage RHA must be included. The default level, if a breeder does not choose one, will be 87%.

When a herd is classified under the Classic or Standard program, the BAA will be calculated using the scores of all animals that are included in the producer's pre-designated RHA level. Animals below the designated level will not be included in the calculation.

TriStar Production Records: Services available are dependent on the service option the herd is enrolled in. Animals of all RHA levels are eligible for the following features of TriStar:

  • 305-day records available on pedigrees (updated 4x/year)
  • Monthly update of records (305-day, 365-day, complete/extended)
  • Herd Reports
  • Record Maintenance
  • Cow Lactation Profiles
  • Lactation Update Pedigrees
  • Records Verification Program

The following Recognition Programs will require a minimum of 87% RHA:

  • Gold Medal DamSM
  • Gold Medal SireSM
  • Dam of MeritSM
  • Locator ListTM
  • Progressive Breeders RegistrySM
  • Progressive Genetics HerdSM Award
  • State and National Production Leaders
  • 200,000 Pound Lifetime Production Certificates
  • Having official averages presented on herd reports

National Shows: Animals of 87% RHA or higher will be eligible for national shows. This will be recommended to state-level shows as well.

Registration Options

Holstein Association USA is pleased to offer its members
several options to register their animals, to suit their needs and preferences.


  The EASY ID program allows you to submit registration applications on-line. EASYID works with all methods of Official Holstein identification, including Tag ID, photos, and sketches.

  Customers using Tag ID can easily set up and assign varying tag styles for different groups of animal, and order customized tags for their calves.

  EASY ID also allows the user to effortlessly import calf data from several herd management programs. This allows several calves to be registered in a very quick and efficient manner.

  Click here for more information or to download the EASY ID program.


Paper Applications

  Paper applications can be filled out and mailed in to the Holstein Association USA office.

  This method can be used with all methods of official identification.

Identification by Phone

  Members can phone in their registry applications by calling Holstein Association USA's Customer Service.

  There is a $5 service fee per application.

  Additional rush fees will apply if rush service is requested.

Identification Method Options

Identification Method Options
Registration Requirements
Tag ID
  • Two ear tags, one in each ear
  • Must be tamper-proof tags
  • First official 840 tag implemented at birth, can be an RFID, Mini-round, Junior, Large or Maxi size tag
  • Second 840 tag applied within six months of age, must be a visible Large or Maxi size tag
  • If the first official identifier is an 840 RFID, the second tag must have a sequential herd management number printed on it. If not using an RFID as the first identifier, both tags must have sequential herd management numbers printed on them.
  • If tags are not acquired from Holstein USA, verification of the tag type and 840 number is required. Verification can be submitted using the Holstein USA Official 840 Tag Verification Form.
  • Clear photo(s) of either or both sides of the animal
  • Shows the full side profile of the animal, including face, tail, and inside of the legs
  • Accurate sketch of both sides of the animal
  • Clearly depicts the full side profile of the animal, including markings on the face, tail and inside of the legs
Tag and Photo
  • Official 840 tag implemented at birth which can be an RFID, Mini-round, Junior, Large or Maxi
  • Clear photo of either side, showing the full side profile of the animal, including the face, tail, and inside of the legs
  • Tags must have sequential herd management numbers printed on them

Registration Fees
Age at Registration State and
National Member
National Member Only Non-Member

   Under 3 months




   3-5 months




   6-11 months




   12-23 months





   24+ months




   Dead (female only)




Start Up Fees
If the animal’s owner is a Holstein Association USA member, and the dam is not registered, it is eligible for special start-up registration rates. The application process will include an automated lineage search to maximize % Registered Holstein Ancestry (RHA). Non-members will be subject to normal registration fees based on the age of the animal.
Under 3 months
Older animals

Related Fees
RUSH Service Fees

Identification Services Rush Fee  (per application)


Re-registration of Transferred Canadian Animal (effective Jan 1, 2002)

* Application to transfer and re-register an animal registered by Holstein Canada must first be submitted to Holstein Canada for the transfer to be recorded in the Canadian herdbook and is subject to Canadian transfer fees. Holstein Canada records the transfer and forwards the Canadian certificate to Holstein Association USA for re-registration.

To qualify for volume discounts, the minimum number of transfers/re-registrations to ONE BUYER must be received from Holstein Canada AT THE SAME TIME.

1-24 applications


25-49 applications*


50+ applications*


Application by Telephone (Service fee per application)


Change of Animal Name (Limited and only as dictated by Bylaws)


Duplicate Certificates


Official Holstein Pedigree Ordered at Time of Registration
