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Animal Search


  • Holstein COMPLETE
  • Identification
  • Genetic Testing
  • Classification
  • Membership
  • Genetic Info
  • TriStar
  • Internet
  • Software
  • Other Services

Annual Fee

bullet $150 Herd Fee
bullet $17.00/cow for the 1st - 50th Registered Holstein® cow in the milking herd*
bullet $12.00/cow for the 51st- 200th Registered Holstein cow*
bullet $10.00/cow for the 201st - 1000th Registered Holstein cow*
bullet $8.00/cow for the 1,001st - 5,000th Registered Holstein cows*
bullet $7.00/cow for the 5,001st+ Registered Holstein cows*
 *Enrollment based on all Registered cows that have had at least one calf. No refunds.

Standard Services Included

bullet One National membership
bullet Registration of heifers less than three months of age*
bullet Internet Pedigrees*
(Three generation)
bullet TriStar SM Premier*
bullet Choice of Sire Summaries™ or Red Book Plus/MultiMate™ software
bullet One area classification each year
  (Classic, Standard or Limited) *
bullet $30 price cap on registration fees for females over 12 months of age*

Additional Benefits

bullet Bull registration at $6/bull if registered at less than 3 months of age
bullet Pedigrees at the time of ID
(or redeemable pedigree coupon on that animal) for $2
bullet Regular registration fees reduced to $10 for heifers 3-5 months of age

   and to $20 for heifers 6-11 months of age

bullet For heifers tested on CLARIFIDEŽ or CLARIFIDEŽ Plus, registrations are included up to 6 months of age for no additional fees.

Click here to read more about the COMPLETE Program

Registration Fees
Age at Registration State & National Member National Member Non-Member
Under 3 months* $12.00 $20.00 $35.00
3-5 months* $18.00 $24.00 $45.00
6-11 months $30.00 $40.00 $55.00
12-23 months $45.00 $60.00 $75.00
24+ months $60.00 $85.00 $115.00
Dead (female only) $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
Rush Service Fees

  Identification Services Rush Fee (per application) $20.00

Other Services

  Basic ID
Animals identified with Basic ID are not eligible for Holstein Association programs, recognitions or Official Holstein Pedigrees™
  Cattle Identification Database (CID)
Records breed composition and performance data for any breed
or a combination of breeds
  Application for Registration by Telephone (service fee per application) $5.00
  Change of Animal Name (Limited only as dictated by Bylaws) $20.00
  Duplicate Certificates $10.00
  To attach actual photographs to certificate $5.00
  Genomic Corrected Certificate $10.00
  Elevating Ancestor Status $10.00

Start-Up Program

  Under 3 months $12.00
  3 months and older $18.00

If the animal’s owner is a Holstein Association USA member, and the dam is not registered, it is eligible for special start-up registration rates. The application process will include an automated lineage search to maximize % Registered Holstein Ancestry (RHA). Non-members will be subject to normal registration fees based on the age of the animal.

Canadian Re-registration Fees

  1-24 animals       $20 each
  25-49 animals     $15 each
  50+ animals        $10 each
  Application to transfer and re-register an animal registered by Holstein Canada must first be submitted to Holstein Canada for the transfer to be recorded in the Canadian herdbook and is subject to Canadian transfer fees. Holstein Canada records the transfer and forwards the Canadian certificate to Holstein Association USA for re-registration. To qualify for volume discounts, the minimum number of transfers/re-registrations to one buyer must be received from Holstein Canada at the same time.

Regular Transfers

  Within 30 days of sale $10.00
  Within 31 to 60 days of sale $12.50
  Over 60 days $15.00
  "No Sale" Within-Family Transfer*
*Seller must be a National Member. Must provide date of transfer.
  Three Generation Pedigree with Regular or Family Transfer*
*Seller must be a National Member. Must provide date of transfer.
  Phone-In Transfer Service Fee per transfer $5.00
  Transfer of Embryos per transfer
One transfer will cover all embryos from one recovery going to the same buyer on the same date.

Whole Herd Update

  If all the animals in an ownership are being transferred to another single ownership, the fees will be lesser of the regular transfer fee, or the following fees.
  Family $100.00  
  Non-Family First 200 animals $100 + $2.00/animal
    201-1,000 $1.50/ animal
    1001-3,000 $1.00/animal
    Animals 3,001+ No Charge

With the above fees, the certificates of registration are NOT updated with new owners' names (though it is reflected in the database and correct ownership would be printed on any subsequent certificates, pedigrees, or other performance products issued). The fee to update certificates of registration is an additional $1.00 per animal.

Partial Herd Update

  If anything less than the whole herd is being transferred to one buyer at one time, the fees will be the lesser of the regular transfer fee or the following:
  Family $100 + $1.50 per animal  
  Non-Family $100 + $4.00 per animal  
  Printed updated certificates $1.00 per animal  
Application Forms

  Individual applications for registration or transfer of ownership are supplied free of charge.

Junior Leasing Program

  Junior Lease Fee..................$20.00

Embryo Transfer Animals (in addition to registration fee)

  Certificate of Embryo Export (base fee) $30.00

Identification Software

  EASY ID™ Electronic Application SystemFREE


  In-house (admin. fee)
$50.00 + $1.00/animal  
  Customer File $1.00/animal  

Genetic Testing Services

Click here for latest genetic services info and prices



   Herd Classification Participation Program Fees


Click to view larger/printable version


   Classification Contracting

Herds classifying at least three times annually may benefit by contracting their classification. A 10% discount to the herd's annual classification costs is applied at the completion of the contract. Holstein COMPLETESM herds are eligible for this program, with the 10% discount applying to the two classification not included as a part of COMPLETE.

  • Enroll by November 10 for contract classifications in the next calendar year.
  • Applicant must specify (at the time of enrollment) which months classifications are desired.
  • See above for area and non-area classification pricing. At the completion of the contract,
    a 10% discount will be applied to the total cost of the classifications.
Holstein Association Membership
Types of Membership

  Annual Adult Membership....................................................................... $40.00
  Junior Membership (one-time fee)........................................................
up to 21 years of age
pdf Adult Membership Application                    pdf Junior Membership Application
Genetic Information
   Official Holstein Pedigrees

  5-Generation $15.00
  Standard Format Internet Pedigrees $4.00
  PDF Format Internet Pedigrees $4.00
  Additional Second Copies
Legalization and certification fees by Notary, Secretary of State and/or Consulate for export shipment to select countries are additional.
  Classification Update Pedigrees.
Produced after classification scores are processed and put on Association files. Owner may specify type or production criteria to initiate pedigree update.
  Lactation Update Pedigrees
Herd must be enrolled in TriStar. Owner may specify type or production criteria to initiate pedigree update.
  Three-Generation Pedigree at time of ID $2.50
  Cow Family Performance Summary
Includes type and production performance of cow, dam, offspring, and maternal sibs, along with a 3-generation pedigree.
   Production & Type Inquiry

  for each animal requested $2.00
   Progeny Inquiries
  Per Sire or Dam $2.00
  Plus Per Offspring Listed $0.50
   Locator ListTM
  Top 5,000 CTPISM Cows $1000.00
  Additional Copies of Book $110.00
  Individual State Listing, Printed $75.00
  Top 10,000 CTPISM Cows $2000.00
   High Ranking Sire Report
  First-Class Mail $10.00
  Online FREE
  Fax $20.00
   Holstein Type & Production Sire Summaries
  Red Book subscription per issue. Published three times per year in
April, August and December.
  Per Issue Per Year  
Regular $30 $90  
Discounted* $25 $75  
$50 $150  

Volume discounts available on shipments of 10 or more books.
Additional charge for express mail services.

*Discount available for customers enrolled in TriStar Premier or Deluxe service
options or classification.

  Producers have three options for TriStar

  arrowCUSTOM - ATA herds: $20/year and non-ATA herds: $50/year    
  Add 365 day record to pedigree $5.00/record  
  Genetic Herd Report $10.00  
  Young Stock Report $10.00  
  Lactation Average Report $10.00  
  arrowDELUXE - ATA herds: $20/year + $0.15/cow/month and non-ATA herds: $30/year + $0.20/cow/month    
  Genetic Herd Report $10.00  
  Young Stock Report
$10.00 or $15/report, updated twice a year  
  Lactation Average Report
  • Cows eligible for Locator List
  • Lifetime Production Certificates
  • Herd eligible for recognition/awards
  arrowPREMIER - ATA herds: $30/year + $0.25/cow/month and non-ATA herds: $36/year + $0.30/cow/month  
  • All reports included in the fee
  • Cows eligible for Locator List
  • Herd eligible for recognition/awards
  • Lifetime Production Certificates
Other TriStar Services

  TriStar Lactation Pedigree Service $4.00  
  First Year in TriStar Pedigrees $3.00  
Internet Product Pricing
  Standard Format Internet Pedigrees $4.00  
  PDF Format Pedigrees
PDF Pedigrees have the Holstein Association USA logo.
  Sire Summaries Online
Free to Sire Summaries subscribers
  Cow Quest
List the daughters which meet your criteria of a bull of your choice or one of the Top 100 TPI® bulls.
  Top 5,000 CTPISM cows
Top 10,000 CTPISM cows
Download a file of the top cows of the breed to load into your choice of spreadsheet or database.

  U.S. Fact Sheet $2.00
  Young Stock Search
List the offspring which meet your criteria of a bull of your choice or one of the Top 100 TPI bulls.
  Available Bull Population
All Active and Limited bulls with type or production evaluation as well as Inactive bulls with reliability of 95% from last 20 years.
  Red Book Plus/MultiMateTM

  Annual Subscription
CD mailed out three times per year
  Individual update downloaded from web site
Available in April, August and December
  Classification Files
PC Data Files

  Customized Animal Data
ASCII file of up to 1,000 animals
  For each additional 1,000 animals $100.00  
  Classification on Diskette
ASCII file only

  Electronic Application System - Program FREE  
Customized Animal Screening

  Per criteria $50.00  
  First 500 animals $300.00  
  Each additional 500 animals $50.00  
Other Services

  Clerical Charge
Labor and Materials/hour
  Fax Charge
$10.00 minimum
per page
Consulting Services

  Hourly Consulting Fee
  Animal Marketing Fee