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Animal Search


Software Available from Holstein USA
Holstein Association USA has developed software programs that allow breeders to simplify the identification process and easily view and evaluate genetic data to make informed mating decisions
in their herds.
Click Here to Download the program Visit the new program

The EASY ID program allows you to submit registration applications on-line. EASYID works with all methods of Official Holstein identification, including Tag ID, photos, and sketches.


Red Book Plus Online

Red Book Plus Online is a fresh take on Holstein Association USA's longstanding bull search software program. Users can fire up their web browser, log in, and have access to powerful tools to sort though the thousands of available bulls, find information and save lists of those most interesting, along with building customized selection indexes to help achieve breeding goals.

Click here to learn more


Click Here to Download the program

pdf Instruction Manual

Red Book Plus/MultiMateTM

Red Book Plus/MultiMate is a sire selection software program that gives users a tool to assist in meeting individual breeding goals. The program allows users to select from the almost 1,000 A.I. sires that are currently available in the U.S.